Monday, December 14, 2009

Do 100% Organic Skin Care Products Exist?

Organic Products - The Present Scenario

"Going Organic" seems to be the new buzzword. Whether its Hollywood celebrities or The National Geographic, everyone is talking about how to go green and switch to organic products. So, while you are browsing the endless brands of lotions and creams on the supermarket shelf, you choose only the ones that say 'organic' or 'natural.' You go home in peace thinking you did your job, you choose right and you have nothing to worry about. Right? Well, we suggest, think again. Hundreds of organic skin care products are flooding the global skin care market every day. The credibility definitely becomes questionable.

The Organic Catch

Many of us become the target to the shrewd marketing gimmicks of skincare products manufacturing companies that mislead consumers by claiming to be organic, while the truth is harshly far from it. Most skin care products that declare themselves as being Organic, in reality may merely have a few organic ingredients blended with preservatives and chemical agents. Unfortunately, the loophole is in the system, since there is no rule what so ever, restricting companies from labeling their products as 'Natural' or 'Organic.'

Organic Skin Care Products - The Concept

The basic difference between an ordinary skincare product and an organic skincare product is that the organic products are made with organically grown ingredients. Therefore, unlike conventionally cultivated materials, which are exposed to harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides, organically grown materials are toxin free.

Organic Skin Care Products - Some Facts

When a skin care product is certified as 'Organic,' it generally contains 95% organic ingredients and 5% of inorganic materials, which belong to an approved National List.

When a product is certified as 'Made from Organic Ingredients,' it means it contains only 70% of organic ingredients and the other 30% contains inorganic materials from the approved National List.

Organic Purchase - The Pre-requisites

Taking into consideration all the facts it can be said that 100% pure organic products may not really exist. Still, we can definitely find the next best things for us. A few things to keep in mind before buying any organic products:

Read the Ingredients Carefully - If you cannot even pronounce a chemical's name, it maybe that it should not be there. If you are unsure about the ingredients, browse through the internet to find more information on them. Fact sheets on most chemicals can be found easily, online.

No Additives - True organic products should not contain any artificial colors, synthetic dyes, artificial fragrances, or preservatives.

Check Certification - Check for USDA (United States Departments of Agriculture) seal or ACO (Australian Certified Organic) logo on the products.

Natures Organic Market offers flat rate shipping on More Milk Plus, Organic Iced Tea, and organic products.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Going green - how do you know if a product is green?

If you want to help the environment and go green, here are some tips to get you started. Why go green at all? What exactly is green? How do you know which items to purchase? There are many people out there looking to cash in on the green fad. How to shop safely.

So, do you really want to do your part? Do you want to help the environment, the economy and future generations? Everyone is going green these days and it's a good thing. It shows that people are becoming more conscious of their impact on the world around them. There are so many things that our society wastes. We waste food, water, building materials such as wood from trees and many many more. It's disgusting when you think about all of that money wasted. Think of the time that's wasted too. If you don't change the way you live and shop - you will be leaving the world in a terrible state for future generations.

Do you want to go green? What exactly is going green? What exactly makes a product a green product? If you check the label or item description from the manufacturer - you should see no harmful chemical. All of the ingredients and materials should be easily found in the earth. They should be made using natural processes. Don't buy products that were made in a lab using all kinds of nasty substances. Going green means saying no to harmful toxins and unsafe chemicals in your home or workplace.

Green products must be made using methods that are environmentally friendly. There's more to going green than just leaving out toxic chemicals. We must use methods to produce our goods and services that are sustainable. Think about some of the factories you have seen. They produce a lot of items. They also produce a lot of waste material. It seems like madness when you really think about it. There is absolutely no reason to be spending more just to produce less. Don't let the big guys at the top play with your future, just so they can make a few quick dollars. Green products are products that are good for the earth, the economy and everyone on it. If this isn't true about a product that a manufacturer is offering - it's not green. Don't buy it!

Go green and do your part for our environment.

Natures Organic Market has low prices on organic toys, organic iced tea, and more.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Do You have Symptoms of Fatigue, Shortness of Breath, or a Rapid Heart Beat?

Let me know if this sounds like you? You experience frequent bouts of quick onset of sweating, a sudden rapid heart rate, or all of a sudden a shortness of breath. You may think that you are having a heart attack, though the real cause may be something you didn't expect.

If this sounds like you do you skip breakfast often? Thus once you skip breakfast your day goes by with off on bouts of fatigue and sluggishness that you fix with either trips to Starbucks or the vending machine. Quickly after eating the high sugar of gourmet coffees or snacks in vending machines you feel better though it doesn't last and a few hours later you are crashing again.

What is happening is a lack of small meals during the day is throwing your hormones out of balance. Too much insulin in your blood stream from constant bouts of low and then high blood sugar is causing your symptoms mentioned earlier. This process starts many Americans on the path to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure. Who would have though it was all causes when you skipped breakfast?

Most Americans from not poor diet choices, but poor diet habits are living everyday with their hormones out of balance. What I mean by poor diet habits instead of poor diet choices is that most people may think they eat too much fast food or not enough vegetables, though it is the simple act not eating small meals throughout the day that causes the hormonal imbalances.

Your endocrine system (hormones) and your nervous system control your body's rhythm which allows you to prevent disease and live healthy. Most pharmaceutical drugs mast the symptoms people feel like depression or fatigue though the only way to make a cure is to get your hormones back into balance from your diet.

The key understanding how your hormone insulin works and what you can to get in back into balance.

1. Insulin is the key hormone that controls how much fat you store.

2. High insulin levels triggers your brain to crave high sugar foods.

3. Insulin puts stress on the brain which leads to type 3 diabetes or Alzheimer's.

4. Your body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin and that process is the cause of over half the cases of high blood pressure.

5. Insulin enhances the chance of cancer cells forming.

6. High levels of insulin have been linked to depression, panic attacks, anxiety, ADHD, and insomnia.

7. Insulin makes your blood clot faster which increases risk of heart attacks and strokes.

8. Insulin can lead to lower testosterone which causes infertility, acne, hair loss for both men and women, and sexual performance issues.

Top 10 Tips to Re balance Your Insulin

1. Eat a higher amount of whole foods that have not been processed like fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, chicken, and eggs.

2. Remove trans fats from your diet. There is no health benefit to any trans fats in your diet.

3. Eat more organic foods which don't use pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones.

4. Avoid high sugar foods.

5. Eat breakfast. If you are not in the habit; start with something. Just drinking coffee doesn't count for eating breakfast.

6. Eat 5 small meals during the day or every 2-3 hours.

7. Don't eat a large meal than go to bed. This is also solved by eating 5 small meals as you loose the ability to overeat.

8. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Lack of sleep will limit the affects of any amount of health eating that you will do. You are not able to catch up on the weekends.

9. Get at least 3 bouts of exercise in during the week. Cardiovascular exercise has been shown to support stabilizing your blood sugar.

10. Ten a few minutes to relax every day. High stress releases cortisol into your blood stream which amplifies the effects of insulin.

When you embark on balancing your hormones remember it is a lifestyle not a 90 day plan. The goal is that every action you take is an action that you can add to your life that you can continue. Any solution that is short term typically only causes more problems or at least different problems.

LiveLeanToday offers great value on products like Zylene, Methyl 1-D, and more.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Rank For Competitve Keywords in Google Organic Search Results with Videos

As more and more businesses and websites find their way online, search engine rankings have become the new Wall Street jungle. High placement on major keywords can be gold to businesses as the traffic they generate can mean millions.

For many websites the power larger websites hold with more resources and more money can be overwhelming. You have a weapon to get to the top of Google rankings for competitive keywords. The answer is videos and especially Youtube.

Youtube was bought my Google and shows up exceptionally high in Google organic rankings. Do a test. I bet you that for just about every major keyword there is a video showing up on the front page. If there isn't one than this is an opportunity I would jump on as if you don't someone else will?

Since, I have know sold you on the power of videos the following are three steps you can do to make high quality videos that will get you to the top of Google natural search rankings.

3 Tips to Making Videos for Search Engines and the Viewer


Your video has to be interesting at some level. It won't do you any good to get it ranked if no one wants to watch your video. Figure out a way to make your video entertaining, demonstrate a helpful solution, or be funny. If you create a funny video that makes people want to send it to their friends it won't matter if you are an accounting firm since hundreds of thousands of people could potentially see it.

You only have to be interesting for 2-3 minutes. Any past 3 minutes and you will start to lose your audience's attention. If you have more to say or think you are that funny cut the video up into segments and now you have more videos to post.


Take the time to do right. If you are nervous the first time you shoot; start over. Watch your video back for mumbling or parts that are hard to hear. Remember that this video will represent your brand you want to make it of quality.

Quality doesn't mean you have to hire a film crew. You know the difference between representing yourself well and something you are not proud of. Remember getting traffic is only half the battle.

Also, be honest with yourself. If you are little dry find someone who can articulate your points clearly and with energy. Think about the types of people that engage you and use those people as your spokesperson in your video.

Titles How you title your video is the most important. It won't matter how great it is if no one sees it. Your title has two purposes. First, it must be keyword driven. Keywords are what search engines are picking it and those keywords are the terms you want your video to rank for.

Keyword stuffing it won't work. Think about creating a new video for each keyword phrase that you want to rank for.

The second aspect is you have to capture the attention of the person to want to watch your video. Look at newspaper headlines as they are a prime example of how grab your attention.

Authority SEO is an organic seo consultant for your Phoenix Internet Marketing needs.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Does Birth Control Pills Cause Acne

Causes of Acne

The following are the lead causes of pimples and acne:

Puberty and related changes (activation of sebaceous glands or the oil glands) Hormonal imbalance Dirt Skin types (oily skin is more prone to acne) Highly stressful lifestyle Vitamin and mineral deficiency Rare cases of heredity Cosmetics

Link between Birth Control Pills and Acne Demystified

Birth control pills are effective for acne treatment only in the cases where the main cause for acne is hormone related. Sometimes, an excess secretion of androgen from the ovaries is the leading cause of stubborn pimples and acne. Androgen has the property of activating the oil glands that leads to and increased occurrence of acne. Certain combination of birth control pills help by suppressing the level of androgen in the body. Testosterone (male hormone) is also associated with the increase in the activity of oil glands, thereby promoting acne. Oral contraceptives, especially those containing Estrogen and Progestin, reduce Testosterone in the body. Not all types of oral contraceptives are flatly effective on everyone. You need to decide upon the right combination suitable to your physiology. Of course, this has to be done under the guidance of a medical practitioner. In addition, other acne specific drugs, including antibiotics should be used as supplements to enhance the efficacy of the medication, for instance, benzoyl peroxide, alpha hydroxyl acids, and retinoids.

Preferred Combination and Commercially Available Products

Medicinal formulations containing the hormones Estrogen and Progestin (synthetically manufactured Progesterone) are usually beneficial in the therapy. Estrogen helps in maintaining the hormonal balance and regulates the level of Testosterone. Progestin is added to prevent any side effects caused by excess Estrogen. Lower Estrogen drugs such as Alesse should be preferred, as they do not have lesser repercussions related to the hormone. Ensure that the progestins in the medicine are anti-androgenic and not androgenic. Some of the commonly available brands are:

YAZ Ortho Tri-Cyclen Estrostep Yasmin

Birth Control Pills: Last Resort!

Oral contraceptives are resorted to only after exhausting all the other options, due to the reactions of hormone replacement therapy. If you do not intent to go in for contraception, use of birth control pills for acne treatment is a bad choice. The known side effects of oral contraceptive pills are:

Nausea Irregular menstrual cycles Cyst in the bust area Tendering of breasts Heart ailments Clotting of blood Cancer

While taking the risk of above side effects, you should be aware of the fact that oral contraceptive pills do not necessarily treat acne. Therefore, exercise a lot of prudence in adopting birth control pills for acne cure and try to keep it as last choice, rather than a preferred option.

Precision Trials offer physician research based birth control clinical trials and HPV Research.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How Do I Know If My Product is Organic

What is organic food? The term is becoming more popular. In the United States for a product to claim that it is 100% organic is has to produced following legally regulated guidelines and be subject to strict testing. Typically to because of the detail involve to get the ultra healthy organic food it costs more than the fertilizer and pesticide rich alternatives.

The term organic means that the food was produced without the use of conventional pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or sewage, and that no artificial additives to included in the process. When the term organic relates to animals like beef, the animals are free of antibiotics and growth hormones given typically to make the animals bigger.

In the beginning the only place to get organic food was from your local farmers market. Not any more. Now, family run farms are being over taken by commercial operations that produce still 100% organic food faster and meet the new demand for the products. The United States has grown by 17-20% in organic food sales in the last few years. You can now get organic products from online retailers to Wal-Mart.

In the United States, companies have to pass tough testing and regulations to call their products organic. The term certified organic means that the USDA has certified that the product in question is actually 100% organic. A farmer commercial or family run must apply for their certification. Not all organic food is certified. Food products can be organic and just not have gone through the approval process to be certified.

With the every increasing demand for organic products, more and more products are finding their way into becoming organic. Now, coffee, ice cream, and ketchup can all be found with organic labels and ingredients. There is now an overwhelming change from the overly processed foods that line our grocery stores to more all natural products.

The term all natural is not govern, so the only way to know a product is organic is to get it from a trusted source or grown it yourself. The ladder probably isn't going to happen for most of us. All natural products are not necessarily bad. They are just not going through the certification process to be considered 100% organic.

Looks for the organic label from your trusted places you buy your products. You will have to make the decision on the products that might be 70% or 35% organic. For some products that is as good as it gets for the time being. With the demand high more and more products will start becoming organic. They have to.

Natures Organic Market has low prices on organic baby clothes, organic protein bars, and more.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What is Organic Coffee and how is it Grown

Organic is a new word used in the context of coffee, tea, cocoa and other food materials in recent times around local shops and super markets. Every year the word is being used by buying public more than the previous year and its use is growing year after year resulting in higher sale proportion of tea or coffee marked as 100% organically grown.

What is organically grown?

To simply put it, organic farming methods leave least or no harmful impact on the surrounding environment. Organic agricultural production systems are mostly traditional methods evolved through learning from nature. In the organic farming methods no synthetic chemical fertilizer or pesticide is used. So that organic production means natural, pure and healthy.

How coffee grows in nature

The coffee plant does not need much direct sun light and so it grows under the shade of large trees. The ground is never sprayed with any chemical insecticide or fertilizer and so the ground water remains pure and uncontaminated. From the canopy of trees leaves fall steadily and the ground is covered by fallen leaves layer on layer. The layers of fallen leaves work as a blanket and protect the moisture of the ground. The moisture in turn help the process of compost to turn the bottom layers of leaves into natural manure to nourish the land.

The thick foliage of shade trees over the coffee bushes house many varieties of birds and also attracts the migratory birds. The birds live on small insects and pests. So they work as natural pest controllers and keep the coffee plants healthy.

The coffee that grows in the shade of other local trees become original and pure in taste and flavor Organic Coffee.

The proposed plantation site is selected carefully. And if the site was being used to grow some other crop using chemical fertilizer or chemical insecticides, then a minimum period of three years are given as conversion years for the proposed site to get over the effects of the harmful chemicals.

After the conversion years coffee bushes are planted along with local shade trees. Care is given equally to the coffee bushes and shade trees and effort is put in to leave bird population to grow undisturbed.

The fallen leaves are left undisturbed to convert into manure to nourish the land and keep it fertile. The bird population effectively controls the pests and harmful insect and protects the coffee bushes. And finally for decaffeinating, approved processes are employed including the Swiss Water process. The coffee thus produced is organic coffee.

Organic vs. commercial production

Organic production methods along with producing coffee intend to protect environment. In this process of growing coffee, more and more trees are grown due to that local biodiversity is achieved. In this method, soil fertility and nutrients are sustained. No chemical pollution is created to harm the human health.

In contrast in commercial profit oriented method of growing coffee, the trees are felled and the cumulative effect is deforestation. Deforestation leads to soil erosion and severe depletion. The commercial grower cuts trees to allow direct sun light which increases production. As there are no birds to control pests and due to the absence of trees and its natural manure, farmers are forced to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides severely harming the environment.

Organic coffee - lifeline of future

Organic production process is eco friendly and helps to repair the environment spoilt by the greedy profit oriented approach of commercial growers of coffee through growing more and more shade trees.

Protecting environment locally helps to enhance the eco system. Rejuvenation and eco system alone can help the planet from disaster and help to sustain life on this planet.

Organic coffee is our responsibility, almost a human duty and life line to healthy future of mankind. offers low prices on organic coffee, organic baby clothes, and more.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Nutritional Supplements A Weighty Topic

Many dieters were distraught when they found out they could no longer purchase Ephedra over the counter, a few years ago. However, since then things have changed and now those looking to lose weight can purchase the popular diet enhancer Ephedra online. Many online websites now offer a multitude of products to choose from. Whether the dieter needs only one bottle of the formula or more, there are options for each individual.

With so many different diet pills and diets on the market today, it's sometimes difficult to understand why obesity is as large a problem as it is. Being overweight has become a problem all over the world. There does not seem to be any one cause that can account for what seems, at times, to be an obesity epidemic. A combination of unhealthy habits like an unhealthy life style that includes junk foods, large portions, and a lack of exercise all play a part.

Many believe that the root cause lies in lifestyles being out of balance. Nutrition, Diet and Exercise, are all factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which in turn affects our weight.

There is no easy fix and it will take a lot of hard work to change the habits that have been ingrained in most of us over a lifetime. All of the fad diets, medications, and exercise regimens in the world will not work unless all are in balance. If you focus on only one aspect of the problem you are apt to be disappointed and frustrated as you try to lose weight. Sometimes it requires a life changing event, like a heart attack or diabetes to get us back to focusing on our long term health instead of short term gimmicks that always seem to fail.

There are a couple of points to keep in mind. We cannot continue to do the same things over and over and expect different results, and we didn't gain the weight overnight, and it is reasonable to assume that it will take time to lose it. What we need is to be aware of where our health is headed and then get pointed in the right direction.

Of all the many good ways to complete your long term healthy weight journey, they all begin with a single first step. A lot of people need to see some short term results in order to help spur them on to greater results. Losing weight is an emotional issue and we are conditioned to set short term goals. That is where a weight loss aid like ephedra comes in.

Ephedra has been used effectively by millions of people for thousands of years. There has been controversy regarding this ancient herb and each individual should choose for themselves if ephedra should or should not be part of their nutritional supplementation. A 2005 court ruling overturned an Ephedra ban passed in 2004. This decision was based on a failure to prove that Ephedra is harmful at any dose.

There are varying ideas and opinions about their use, and the debates sound very similar to discussions about religion or politics. There is no easy answer. There are studies that fat burners do work in the short run, and bodybuilders use them to finish off their competitive training and give them the lean mass they need to go on stage with.

For the average person though they can give you the jitters, and increase the heart rate and blood pressure. If you are inclined to use these products, a compromise to the recommend doses may be a good idea. Try half the quantity until you feel acclimated and then increase to the full dose. Another idea might be to cycle their use. Try four days on and three days off or even two weeks on and two off. Experiment with what works for you. Keep in mind that your goal is to get you started not to be on them for the rest of your life.

The adage of if one is good four must be better does not always apply and you could be wasting your money without gaining any added benefits by exceeding what is called for. Note also that you should not exceed the recommended dosage because they are engineered to exact specifications to achieve maximum results. In addition it's a good idea to check with a doctor or healthcare professional before starting any exercise program or consuming any dietary supplement.

The overall use of Ephedra (in controlled amounts) by dieters results in feeling energized, increased stamina, metabolism boosts, energy boosts, appetite suppression, and an increase in calories burned. When dieters utilize Ephedra they are not as hungry as they once were. However, they do not necessarily need to eat special "diet" foods and can continue with their regular diet while still losing weight. Ingredients in the new ephedra formulations are mostly natural, and include caffeine, orange extract, cayenne, green tea leaf and ginger root.

With so many different diet pills and diets on the market today, many people feel overwhelmed with the choices. If you need some extra help getting on track visit the WCN website at

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Treating Uterine Fibroids

Fibroid are cellular growths on the wall of the uterus. They are almost always non-cancerous and are very common. The majority of women will get some form of fibroid during their lives and most of them will have no problems as a result. Some fibroid are tiny and cause no trouble. Some, however, grow to be very large and cause a lot of problems.

Causes of fibroid

The precise cause of fibroid is unknown, although there are many theories. What is known is that both estrogen and progesterone must be present in order for fibroid to grow. Once a woman reaches menopause, fibroid will no longer be able to grow and cause problems.

Symptoms of fibroid

Many women never have any of the symptoms of fibroid. The ones who do experience symptoms often have large fibroid. Some of the most commonly experienced symptoms are heavy menstrual bleeding, painful stomach, uterine, and back cramps, urinary difficulties, and bladder pressure. Anemia is very often a result of the heavy menstrual periods caused by some fibroid.

Women who do experience symptoms need to seek medical treatment, especially those who experience heavy bleeding during their menstrual cycles. Anemia occurs rapidly with the loss of large amounts of blood and must be treated. Occasionally, fibroid will grow so large that they block the ureters, which are tubes that transport urine to the bladder.

Treatments for fibroid

Many options are available for the treatment of uterine fibroid. For many women, treatment is not even necessary. Once fibroid are discovered, the physician will just keep a check on them to make sure they don?t start causing problems. If women are near menopause and aren?t having problems, the fibroid will often shrink once menopause starts.

For women with large fibroid that are causing problems, surgery might be the only possible solution. If fibroid block the ureters, interfere with blood circulation, or cause severe anemia, it might be best to remove them. Fibroid can be removed by using a surgical procedure called a myomectomy. This procedure removes only the fibroid and does not involve taking the uterus or the ovaries. Hysterectomies are frequently performed on women who have major problems with their fibroid. These surgical procedures do involve removal of the uterus and, very often, the ovaries as well.


There are some medications that physicians prescribe to treat the symptoms of fibroid tumors or to temporarily decrease their size. Sometimes, women who are near menopause will take medications that decrease the tumor size long enough for them to actually reach menopause. This is done because fibroid will usually cause no problems once a woman?s menopausal stage is reached. This buys them time in order to avoid having surgery.

If you are one of the many women who have fibroid tumors, be sure to see your physician regularly to ensure that the tumors are not growing at a fast pace. If you are one of the less fortunate who have large fibroid that are causing you problems, then a consultation with your physician should be scheduled to determine the best course of treatment for you.

Precision Trials offers physcian research based Phoenix Clinical Trials and more information on uterine fibroid .

Monday, June 22, 2009

What causes yeast infections?

Yeast infection is the commonest in women and mostly affects the vagina. Normally, some amount of yeast and beneficial bacteria are always present in the vaginal area. In yeast infection, the proportion of yeast overtakes that of bacteria through multiplication or via some external source. The increased quantity of yeast (known as, Candida albicans) attacks the lining of the organ, causing swelling, irritation, and a thick discharge from vagina.

What causes yeast infections?

A host of combined or single factors account for yeast infections. Lets look:


Like in other conditions, a weakened immune system enhances the possibility of developing yeast infection. Reduced immunity could be due to improper diet, excess physical strain, or external factors, such as the influence of certain medicines, e.g., prednisone.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Either adopted to reduce menopausal symptoms or as contraceptives, hormones taken as supplements can promote yeast infection.


Certain strong medicines, particularly the antibiotics, taken to fight lung & throat infections, urinary tract infection (UTI), some skin disorders, either wipe out, or greatly reduce the amount of useful bacteria from the vagina also. These bacteria regulate the pH balance by keeping the vaginal area mildly acidic, which is not conducive for the growth of yeast, Candida. As the antibiotics act towards reducing the bacteria, the safe pH balance of the vagina is disturbed too in the process. The yeast gets the opportunity to thrive and starts affecting the surrounding tissues. Although, antibiotics rank among the lead causes of yeast infection, their prolonged usage aggravates the infectious situation.


Diabetes considerably raises the blood sugar level, providing sustenance to Candida, which feeds on various forms of sugar.


And associated hormonal changes are responsible for the yeast infection.

Hot and humid weather

Such conditions are ideal for the growth of yeast, especially when coupled with tight and closely woven fabric.


If the internal vaginal tissues are injured, for instance, in the case of chemotherapy, the possibility of developing yeast infection rises. If any other, external or internal, injury confines you to bed or wheelchair, be extra cautious, as yeast thrives in moist and warm atmosphere.

Toiletries and other products

Products such as certain perfumes, anti-bacterial soaps, bath salts, scented sanitary napkins, certain detergent bases, etc. may also prove instrumental in disturbing the vaginal yeast-bacteria balance. Certain spermicidal, such as, nonoxynol-9, can also create bacterial imbalance.

Personal hygiene

Carelessness in the terms of cleanliness and the upkeep of inner wear can cost dearly, as improperly washed fabric may retain the yeast.

Precision Trials offers the premier Phoenix Clinical Trials and women's health research.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Buying a Wedding Dress No Money Down

The elated moment comes when the man of your dreams asks you to marry him. The moment that many women dream about since they were little girls. After the romantic night sets in the reality of what lies ahead. You now have to pick a date, buy a wedding dress, pick who is going to be in your wedding party, and more details then one person could ever think of. Then comes the big question how do you pay for it.

Wedding in America are no small feats anymore. It seems every year the cost to get married just keeps skyrocketing. Yes, you could go with a small wedding with only a few people, but this is your big day that you want all your friends and family to see. The burden of paying for a wedding can be a real challenge for a new couple just starting their life together.

Online there are now some options that can help make the burden of paying for your wedding easier. Certain online wedding dress retailers offer 90 days same as cash credit. Which means you are able to get your wedding dress, tiara, veil, and more putting no money down. Then you have 90 days to pay the amount off with out accruing any interest. Just think of the relief knowing with every wedding bill ringing out that your most important item your wedding dress can be the easiest purchase.

The program is through a trusted partner Paypal. With planning your wedding, you don't need added stress about worrying about fraud online. That is why the top online bridal dress stores use Paypal to insure their customers that their purchase is secure and hassle free. If interested in purchasing a dress with no payments just select the option and it will take you to a secure page to enter to information. Paypal keeps your personal information secure online and away from hackers.

Pay me later feature is not the only reason to buy a wedding dress online. Bridal online stores offer a wide variety of the latest styles and fashions. Online retailers are able to sell direct to you the consumer which allows for much lower prices than in typical stores. Which means you can get the wedding dress of your dreams at a price you can afford. Low prices and no payments for 90 days sure makes buying a wedding dress the best part of planning your wedding.

Low prices on the hottest styles in wedding dresses and bridal gowns.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Greater Green Living by Shopping Online

With the price of gas increasing, and the toll emissions from cars takes on our environment, people have switched to going online which saves gas money and lowers their carbon footprint.


United States of America (Press Release) August 9, 2008 --
Our addiction to oil has two major issues. First, with the ever increasing rise in gas prices people are having trouble having enough money for basic living expenses. Second, car emissions send tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, which is one of the leading causes of global warming. A new unlikely people are fighting back is by doing their shopping online.

Natures Organic Market has found that many of their customers are now shopping online due to the energy crunch. As people want to live more "Green," they are looking for all ways that they can cut back on the energy their require for daily activities. Shopping online makes it convenient to get the things you want. It is better on greenhouse gases for one delivery truck drive carrying 500 packages, then 500 separate people all get in their cars and go to the store.

The best part is that shopping online also saves money. Products are typically cheaper online as they don't have to pay for brick and motor stores. So, before we go any farther you will typically save money just shopping online. Second, if you have been watching your money at the pump melt away, then you understand the total savings in dollars and sense for getting your purchases delivered to you.
source: FPR

As more people are going to Green Living it only makes sense to get your organic products online. The carbon footprint of hosting a webpage pails in comparison to the energy required to keep a large store open for 12 hours a day.

Overall shopping online saves money, lowers greenhouse emissions, and lowers the total carbon footprint of purchasing items.

For more information:

Visit our website:

Sunday, May 31, 2009

What is Organic Farming and is it Important

Organic farming is a broad concept with extreme application. It is well appreciated on a large scale by the people as now with the help of it they can easily grow their own food. If you have a little bit of free time with you then you need not to face any kind of problem. You can prepare and serve good quality delicious food by doing organic farming at your home.

It is not true that organic farming is practiced at a small scale only. By having a trip of farming sector you can easily understand how much vast this sector actually is. This is not the case some time before. Few years back it was not a highly thriving and demanding sector but now the case has totally changed. It is now not limited to a small scale industry as day by day more corporate sectors are taking interest in this field. Large corporate farming is taking keen interest in the concept of organic farming. Continuous research is going on to find out the way by which huge fields of a single crop can be grown. No one can deny the fact that in the process of organic farming, pests are believed to be the major threat. Due to harmful impact on the biodiversity unnatural pesticides are not much preferred to use.

If you are going for the natural pesticides for controlling the pests then it is certainly an eco friendly approach but believed to be much expensive in contrast to unnatural ones. Some time before, due to expensive nature they were not much preferred in the process of organic farming. After the entrance of large scale industries with huge budget this can be achieved now very easily. Natural pesticides can be a good option when it is about the large scale organic farming but if you are going for it at your home or at a small scale in a separate piece of land then it is advisable to look for any other good option. This is because like other kinds of farming organic farming also requires the process of sowing, cultivating and harvesting. If you do not have proper arrangement of water for the purpose of irrigation then you require depending largely on the rain water. If you are concluding the process of organic farming at your home then irrigation is not a big issue but even at a small scale proper arrangement of water is very essential. If you do not have a huge budget with you then it can be a difficult work for you. You require investing a good amount on purchase of seeds, irrigation, fertilizers, harvesting, etc.

There is much debate till now on the use of unnatural pesticides in the process of organic farming. Several environmentalists and consumer protection organization have claimed that the use of unnatural pesticides not only damage the environment but also have an adverse impact on the quality of food. For killing the insects and pests these pesticides are used but they are not considered helpful after sometime. It is so because these insects as well as the pests easily get adapted to the effects of the chemicals involved in them and so these pesticides looses their worth. Sooner or later it damages the health of the final consumer who without knowing consumes a large amount of lethal chemicals and synthesized materials along with the natural food. Thus it is injurious for the health of the human being as well.

Thus there are several ways by which you can have your favorite vegetables as well as fruits and that too with the help of inorganic as well as organic farming. As there are several pros as well as cons of both it is up to you to decide the one that is best for you. You can make use of organic farming to turn your dreams into reality and the best part is it is already benefiting millions of people so you are not at all required to worry for it as well. offers discount prices on organic baby clothes, organic coffee, and more.

Monday, May 18, 2009

How to Fix the Air Conditioning in a Car

Air conditioner in car has become a necessity these days. It is very difficult to travel in a car without an AC in scorching heat. The car AC is very small and the designing and the functioning is completely different from that of the air conditioners used in offices and homes. There are two sides of an air conditioning system of a car, viz high side and low side. The compressor of the AC begins at the high side, and performs the functioning of the pump. The refrigerant is moved through the system with the help of the compressor. The expansion valve is there at the low side, which restricts the flow of refrigerant. This helps in reducing the temperature and the pressure of the refrigerant.

The car air conditioner works almost like a refrigerator and has a multi-component piece of machinery. The warm air is removed from the car and the cool air is pushed inside the car. This helps in maintaining the temperature of the small space in the car, and moderates the area.

There may be times when the AC in the car stops working or does not give effective cooling. A repair is required at this stage. Each and every car is made of different design and model. But, the basic functioning of the AC in most of the cars is the same. The basic problems with the car air conditioner and the basic ways to fix the problems of car air conditioner have been listed below:

Absence of cool air and improper cooling are the signs of problems with respect to the car air conditioner.

In order to diagnose the problem with your car air conditioner, it is very important to have proper information and knowledge of the different parts of the car air conditioner. There are five components of the car AC viz the compressor, the condenser, the expansion valve, the refrigerant, and the dryer or evaporator.

It is very important to understand the functioning of all the parts so that the right action can be taken in case of any problem.

The refrigerant is pumped out through the compressor. The compressor acts as a power unit of the car air conditioner.

The condenser performs the function of changing the refrigerant to the liquid form.

The liquid formed through the condenser is converted into cold air with the help of the evaporator or the dryer.

There may be some pressure on the condensed refrigerant. This pressure is removed with the help of the expansion valve and moved into the evaporator.

In case of ineffective cooling, check the refrigerant for any kind of leakage. A fluorescent dye that is readily available at any auto part shop can be used to check the refrigerant. Autozone or NAPA can be used as the fluorescent dye.

The instructions given on the pack of the dye that you purchase should be followed completely and carefully. In most of the cases, the dye is added through the low pressure A/C recharge port that is found on the canister of the air conditioner of the car.

Use the U/V light to check for the leakage. In case of leakage of the refrigerant, the refilled kits can be bought from any auto supply store. These refilled kits are sealed and the replacement can be done by anyone at home.

In case this is not the problem, check for any kind of problem with the fuses, wires, and fan belts. The fuse may have turned bad. The wires might have broken, and the belts of the fan may have got damaged. All these problems may be creating trouble with the functioning of the pump. In case of any problem with any of these parts, get the parts replaced to ensure proper functioning of the car air conditioner.

The air conditioner should be tested after making any kind of repair done by you.

In case one has tried all the above methods to make the AC function properly, and even after replacing all the parts, the AC does not function properly, then there is a need to call a professional.

Find trustworthy Phoenix Air Conditioning and Scottsdale Air Conditioning services and repair.